Fun With (feature) Flags

We love feature flags and we love to talk about them.

What's a feature flag?

It may sound trivial if you are familiar with flags, but it's good anyway to pause for a moment and think about what's a feature flag and different mechanisms we can use to implement them.

Alberto Gimeno

GroundControl Founder

Don't just mark some users as beta in your database

While adding an "isBeta" column to your database might be an effective quick and temporary solution, it barely scratches the surface of effective feature flag and beta user management.

Alberto Gimeno

GroundControl Founder

The Limitations of Hardcoded Feature Flags

Relying solely on hardcoded feature flags may prove to be too primitive for modern development needs. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of hardcoded feature flags and discuss why they may no longer suffice in today's dynamic development environment.

Alberto Gimeno

GroundControl Founder